Artist in Residence

In June 2024 I was lucky to be an Artist in Residence at Truro High School for Girls, working alongside four other artists. We made our own work in response to the school site and I also facilitated collaborative drawing and painting sessions with groups of students. I really enjoyed the process - making work that was different to the sort of thing I would normally make. I focused on experimental drawing, creating a large 'still life' set up to work from, with found objects from the art room and plants and flowers from my garden. I also made some drawings whilst walking around the school's lovely grounds and some phytograms, which I fixed in the school's darkroom, using plants from the garden. I developed something of an obsession with the glorious foxgloves .... a lot of pink appeared and I made increasingly abstracted drawings and artist books made using the drawings. It was a truly joyful and inspiring experience and one I'd love to repeat in another setting.